How to do filling embroidery RPL Romanian Point Lace

      Each RPL  Romanian Point lace project is unique, so, after stitching the cord, everyone is free to create an original piece of art!

      You can position the bridges different, use other color of the embroidery thread or different patterns for filling embroidery. Find new patterns in our shop!

      If you have finished basting the cord on the chosen model, you are already one step closer to completing the project.

      After closing the ends of the cord, the next step is to make the bridges (connections between two parallel cords). These will support the final shape of the model and can be simple or more elaborated.

      Where the pattern requires, certain areas will be filled with embroidery to suggest leaves, flowers or other abstract patterns.

      Both the bridges and filling embroidery can be made from the same  crochet thread as the cord, but to increase the visual aspect of a delicate embroidery you will use the same type of thread but of greater finesses that will add an extra delicacy to the results.

     For small models, or if you want a more special piece of lace, the whole project can be done with a finer thread.

     The bars will be made according to the markings on the pattern or, after acquiring a more advanced level of knowledge, they can be placed in different positions, chosen by you, provided that they are perpendicular or slightly oblique on the cord and support the final shape of the project.

      For large patterns, where it is assumed that you already have an expert degree of knowledges, the bars and interior patterns can be left to everyone’s choice or just suggested on certain areas, to let everyone’s imagination run wild and get unique projects.

      Interior embroidery (leaves, flowers or abstract patterns) can be made following the pattern directions or according to the imagination.

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