How to love and care RPL Romanian Point Lace

     If you are in possession of a piece made in the RPL Romanian Point lace technique, made by you or inherited, you must keep in mind that its maintenance requires a lot of attention in order to enjoy many years from now.

      RPL Romanian Point lace lace pieces are washed quite rarely and you should know that they have durable construction but it takes a few steps to wash them safely. In case of pieces of lace applied to other items (clothing, pillows, covers), they must be removed from the items before washing.

      To wash a piece of lace, choose a recipient larger than the object, so that it sits completely, horizontally in the water. In warm water, at hand temperature or below, put very little detergent and dissolve well.

      Put the object in water and press it lightly, without changing its shape, to remove dust or other impurities, clean without deforming, or squeezing in the hand. Change the water 2-3 times to remove the detergents.

       Separately, make a starch solution, wait to cool at hand temperature and immerse the piece few minutes for a deep impregnation. For safety, or is a big piece, the object can be tamponed with the respective impregnation solution.

      Place on a flat surface and dry in an airy place for two to three days. In cold areas or in winter, you can put between two white towels and the press to remove excess fluid and accelerate the process.

      For traditional beige or white pieces, drying in the sun is fine, for colored pieces, drying in the shade will be considered to avoid discoloration.

      If you want a darker beige color or the piece has faded and you want to refresh it, before starch, make a solution of black tea in a sufficient concentration for the piece to get a pleasant, darker color. This procedure is recommended with great caution, only if necessary and only for experienced people, if not, the obtained color can be with stripes. Be careful, immerse the whole piece, preferably in a recipient large enough to fit completely. Any part left on the surface will remain colored differently.

      To iron, put the lace on a dry surface, lay it well spread between two white towels in its original shape and iron face down, at a medium temperature or cotton setting.

 Be careful! Never place the iron directly on the lace because the embroidery will warp and the cord will flatten badly.

If you want to start now a RPL Romanian Point lace project buy a pattern here. If you want a vintage RPL piece, read here how to recognize it and here you will find vintage models, unique, collected by us, which you can buy.

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