How to remove stains of RPL Romanian Point Lace

rpl stains removal

      If the inevitable happened and something was spilled on the piece made in the RPL Romanian Point lace technique, it is best to intervene immediately.

      The technique of removing stains from coffee, chocolate, red wine, ink, juice, carioca is the one recommended for removing the respective stains from any cotton fabrics.

      In addition to commercially available solutions with instructions for use, it is recommended that before applying chemicals to the stained portion of the fabric, test a sample of it to avoid the risk of degradation. Here are some examples of substances which you have in the house and you can use them successfully for stains. The use of these household processes can have varied results depending on the products used.

                           Spirit- The spirit is very good at removing grass and ink stains. Combine two teaspoons of water with a teaspoon of alcohol and rub well. It is advisable to use a little water to avoid discoloration.

                          White vinegar- If the stain is bloody, pour white vinegar over the stained place, let the material soak for 5-10 minutes, and then rinse according to instructions. Vinegar also helps to remove coffee or tea stains. Soak the stained material in a solution of vinegar with water and let it dry.

                          Lemon juice- Rub the spot stained with lemon juice and let the material dry in the sun. Mold stains can be removed mixing lemon juice and salt. Spread this solution on the stain, wait for it to dry, then rinse the area afected.

                           Salt- More used to avoid aggravating a problem than to completely remove stains, salt takes you out of many unpleasant situations. If you spill wine or something greasy, the salt will absorb the liquid from the material and prevent the stain from spreading.

                           Ice cubes-If wax happens to fall, ice cubes will help remove the stain. Put an ice cube on the wax until it cools. Then all you have to do is remove the hardened wax. If there is anything left, put a napkin over the stain and iron the material with the iron – the wax will melt on the napkin.

After removing the stains, the lace will be washed, dried and ironed according to the care instructions here.

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