How to stitch the cord in RPL Romanian Point Lace

cord 1

        When stitching the crocheted cord on RPL Romanian Point Lace project, the normal stitching thread will be used, in a pastel color, but visible (pink, blue, etc.). Avoid very dark color threads because they can stain the lace, but also avoid very light colors because they are not easily visible when you finish the project and the lace must be separated from support cloth.

      A handmade lace project, in RPL Romanian Point Lace technique, can have in the instructions, several types of crocheted cord, rings, leaves or other accessories. Prepare all components, if possible before you start.

       If you have to use a narrow cord in the project, it will be sewn, according to the printed pattern, passing the needle in a spiral, over the cord on one side and on the other, quite often for a firm fixation.

      If you have to use a wider cord, leaves, rings, or other ornaments, these will be stitched, along their length, with a running stitch point, steps as long as necessary, so as not to move when embroidering the rest of the project.

    Before cutting, let the cord 2-3 inches longer than the required length for the model, unravel the cord till fits in the right place and with the resulting thread sew and hide the ends so that the end of the cord is not visible. To stop the cord to unravel further, take the end of the cord back through the last loop of the cord and pull it tight. The strengthening of the end of the thread at each end of the cord is done firmly, so as not to unravel in time, but not visible, for aesthetic reasons.

      When basting the cord on the pattern, be careful that it is sewn flat between the two parallel lines that indicate the correct placement and the cord pieces are touching in the points required by the model to be close or at the ends.      

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