How to store RPL Romanian Point Lace

image of Romanian point lace decoration

    RPL Romanian Point lace pieces can be used for a long time on display as bed covers, tablecloths, ornamental pillowcases or included in clothing items (vests, cuffs, collars) or pieces included in bags, envelopes, necklaces or other accessories.

    They may be framed under glass like the paintings or any other presentation.

       If they are not used for a longer period of time, the lace pieces made in the RPL Romanian Point lace technique will be  washed and ironed first if necessary- see here how, and then kept wrapped without being bent or, if it is not possible to roll without bending as much as possible, between sheets of white paper, in ventilated, dry, sun-protected places.

    Do not put in direct contact with the lace, naphthalene, lavender or other anti-moth or perfumed substances because in time, they can stain.

    If there are large pieces that can only be kept folded, it will be taken into account that every few months they will unfold and fold in the other direction in order to avoid the creation of permanent wrinkles.

    If the space allows, it is better for the pieces larger than 40-80 inches to be rolled together with a white cotton sheet and to wrap the roll in white paper. Once every 6 months – 1 year, it is recommended to check the stored pieces to avoid possible mold or other unpleasant events.

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